About Public Liberty Radio (PLR):
Public Liberty Radio is this Grand Theft Auto soundtrack's public radio station, featuring three shows:
The Séance
Host: Beatrix Fontaine
Topics: A New Age call-in talk show run by a phony psysic from Eastern Europe. The host scams her call-ins by pretending to be able to look into the future.
Host: Ryan McFallon
Topics: "The program that puts the heart back into the health industry." A health care talk show featuring a debate between three guests.
The Intelligent Agenda
Host: Michael Riley
Topics: A liberal talk show where the host invites three guests, two of whom pretend to share his agenda to further their own careers while the third, a child prodigy, proposes a plan to end world hunger by killing the hungry.
Similar radio stations:
Chatterbox FM (GTA III)
K-CHAT (GTA: Vice City)
LCFR (GTA: Liberty City Stories)
VCPR (GTA: Vice City)
VCPR (GTA: Vice City Stories)
WCTR (GTA: San Andreas)
WKTT Talk Radio (GTA IV)

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