About VCPR:
Vice City Public Radio (VCPR) is the only news/talk radio station on this Grand Theft Auto soundtrack, featuring shows on various topics as well as the radio station's supervisors Jonathan Freeloader and Michelle Montanius (who both also appear as hosts of VCPR on the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtrack).
Bait and Switch
Hosts: Larry Joe and Bobby Ray
About the show: "Bait and Switch" is a fishing show being broadcasted pre-recorded from the Vice City Boat Show, having the slogan "Guts! Glory! Guns! Fish! Boats! Death! Death! Death!". Though the show is supposed to be about fishing, the two hosts spend a lot of time talking about Vietnam, a period of their lives that they haven't really put behind them. With special guest Kenny Crane, a bait expert.
Moorehead Rides Again
Featuring: Gordon Moorehead
About the show: A rebroadcast of a 1940s detective radio drama set in Vice City called "Gordon Moorehead and the exploding breasts ride again". Sponsored by the Friendly Napalm Company.
New World Order
Host: Dwayne Thorn
About the show: "New World Order" is a show featuring a number of reports from "the front line" made by reporters calling the show from various parts of the world.
Pressing Issues
Host: Maurice Chavez
About the show: The "issue" being discussed by the program's three person panel is "Modern life in 1984: crazy or what?".
The Time Ranger
Featuring: Ernest Kiegel a.k.a. The Time Ranger
About the show: The Time Ranger is radio drama a rebroadcast from 1938 featuring Ernest Kiegel a.k.a. The Time Ranger, a lonely man who has a "time machine" and travels through time to whereever his time machine points him, to fight injustice (and do... other stuff too).

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